This is what Mr. Alex Stanley been stealing money for! If you became victim of Cardio Addicts, please contact us ASAP: . We want to live in FRAUD FREE world!!!! ❌ !!! SCRIPT BY ALEX STANLEY !!! Granted that budget is not going to an issue I will nation a rather many supercilious items to give an overall image. Again, I will cation you as I haven't done this before, so I might digress from the blueprint and submerge Into the trivial details, such as music and crazy, special effects and contestant's stories )). Translucent special effects ( shoe size of biceps games-gifs/deus-ex-human- revolution/picgifs-deus-ex- human-revolution-7450811- 976478/ ) Saved by the dumbbell. 80s challenge Pup metropolis back and white workout video 12 contestants 6 girls and guys, eliminated biased on the pictures ( 1 theme photo shoot , 2 progress photos of the improve...