Alex Stan Goncharov's long-term supplier is doing everything to prevent me saying truth about what had happened.
At first, they were accusing me in the following:
1. Drug addiction;
2. Alcoholism;
3. Insanity;
4. Being a con artist;
5. Looser;
6. Theft.
Additionally, member of this company was verbally abusive and has been shouting at me. After, he was apologizing VIA text.
All the text threads with mentioned above comments were received to my personal number and sent from the owner of these companies cell phone.
Now, they are trying to sue me for "harassment", and company employees are giving false statements against me. The court scheduled for January 16 in LA. I look forward to presenting all the evidence that I have to the Judge.
Please note, I do not go to supplier's warehouse, I do not call their number, I can't even identify some of the people who feel "threatened" by me, as I do not know who they are.
This supplier uses false accusations to prevent me from saying truth.
All I do, is I use my LEGAL RIGHT for the free speech. Yes, I do share my experience on YELP as any other person does. YES, I did file the complaint with BBB. "The supplier" did try to appeal my complaint, but after evaluating evidence, BBB approved my complaint.
My intention of posting personal attacks & accusations was to warn the public about the type of people that the owners of this business are in hopes that it will not happen to someone else.
* * * Based on Consumer Review Fairness Act of 2016 * * *
The Consumer Review Fairness Act protects consumers' ability to share their honest opinions about a business's products, services, or conduct in any forum - and that includes social media.
1. $1,526.00 for Dana (invoice from 02.26.2016)- not my client.
2. $2,997.00 PRO# 686-400610 from 07/28/15. Shipped by the supplier, but the customer did not receive equipment.
3. $7,995.00 PRO#191061 from 12/01/15. Shipped by the supplier, shipping company says BOL is fake?
4. $3,000.00 PRO#846-627364 from 12/22/15. Shipped by the supplier, but the customer did not receive equipment. Please note, in his texts, the supplier confirmed that machine came back to their facility, but he doesn't want to return money for it.
5. $2,199.00 PRO#458-377971-0. Returned shipments from client to the supplier's facility. Only a small part of the money was returned for this particular shipment (2,5 years later, after I found shipping documents). The supplier is unable to give proof of giving any funds to my formal business partner.
6. $2,599.00 PRO#489-981551-1. Machine delivered, but the client did the chargeback. Handled by the supplier.
On ALL documents, for mentioned above transactions, u can see the following information:
Supplier's name, their add, name of shipping manager, and his phone number (docs uploaded on Yelp).
1. $1,699.00 - Precor 544 - client confirmed dealing with shipping manager of the supplier(VIA mail);
2. $2,748.00 - Cybex 610A - PRO#427-283498-5. According to Alex Goncharov, he got this PRO number from shipping manager of the supplier;
3. $2,449.00 - Cybex 610A - PRO#579-417635CS. According to Alex Goncharov, he got this PRO number from shipping manager of the supplier;
4. $3,096.00 - 7000PT - the supplier states that they do not know who this client is, BUT, the name of THE SUPPLIER appears on the police report filed by THIS CLIENT on 12/29/2015 in the city of Bellevue, WA. Document available on file.
5. $2,499.00 - 7000PT - HTX LG - shipped from the supplier;
6. $1,699.00 - 4600PT - the client was discussing delivery with shipping manager of the supplier. Correspondence available on file.
$34,506.00 of lost funds r linked DIRECTLY to the supplier and its employees.
One thing I can not understand is why THE SUPPLIER spends a HUGE amount of money (based on court documents) to sue me, the victim and does not use this money for:
A - to sue Alex Stan Goncharov and recover their money which he owes them (based on court documents);
B - to stop the scammer & help the victim to find lost money. Any honest and respectful company will do so.
BUT, THE SUPPLIER chose to file a lawsuit against me & continues to work with Alex Goncharov who successfully scams poor people up till today (Cardio Addicts LLC, and more).
All I ever needed from THE SUPPLIER is MY MONEY to be returned, ALL based on LEGAL DOCUMENTS.
Lastly, this situation continues for the past 3 years. I am a woman who is absolutely exhausted from this cruelty, injustice, and abuse of power.
Therefore, I would like to ask for support from the public, as well as from YELP and BBB help to protect my legal rights (Assembly Bill No. 2365 ). I am consumer who is sharing my experience with this particular business, and it is absolutely illegal to threaten me with lawsuit & to falsely accuse me in harassment because I share my personal honest experience online.
Please help to share, and any help will be appreciated.
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