IF you or anyone you know became victim of #CardioAddicts , #CardioSales , #EonFitness or any other companies related to ALEX STANLEY (Aka Alex Stan Goncharov), please e-mail us ASAP: jmfitnessstore@gmail.com
3 weeks before JM Fitness Store bank account was frozen due to chargebacks, Mr. Goncharov been offering fancy trip to the "love of his life".
As we briefly discussed, promotion video for the tourism in Thailand for the Russian market utilizing Hadrien's yacht Stereden ann Esperanz at Royal Regatta will be a great PR opportunity for you and my production between December 5th to the 12th. There is a great possibility that King of Thailand can briefly participate in the interview as well.
I understand that you have a project but I am asking if there is a chance for your availability between this time frame on such a short notice. I can arrange your payment, as well as I can make all the necessary arrangements for your accommodations. Also, I can provide my of top crew, but I have to pull them from the full feature.
Time is of the essence,
Information taken from JM Fitness Store e-mail.
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